cbd oil
CBD eļļas priekšrocības PMS sāpju mazināšanai: kas jums jāzina
Vai esat noguris paļauties uz bezrecepšu pretsāpju līdzekļiem, lai pārvaldītu PMS simptomus? Nemeklējiet tālāk par CBD eļļu. Šajā rakstā mēs izpētām CBD eļļas priekšrocības PMS sāpju mazināšanai un to, kā to var izmantot kā dabisku papildinājumu diskomforta mazināšanai.
Organia eļļu dozēšanas ceļvedis
CBD tiek piedēvēti ļoti daudz dažādi fiziskās un mentālās veselības efekti, tāpēc tas ir kļuvis par ļoti populāru veidu, kā risināt dažādas kaites no trauksmainības līdz miega traucējumiem.
Kā mūsu eļļas tiek ražotas?
Kaņepe, ko izmantojam Organia CBD eļļu ražošanā, organiski audzēta Horvātijā, iekļaujoties stingrās ES regulācijās un saskaņā ar atbilstošo kvalitātes kontroli.
CBD Experience Story: Lauri Pedaja
CBD oil helps me focus and direct my thoughts in one place. It helps me the most when I have to get things done quickly but there are distractions around me. A few drops on the tongue and the ability to concentrate is immediately on a completely different level. I dose it as needed. Sometimes half a pipette, other times a few drops. It all depends on what effect I want to achieve. I just drop it on my tongue and swallow. Most of the time I use CBD oil in the evenings when I'm already tired and can't deal with my emotions as effectively.
CBD Experience Story: Liis Velsker
I feel calmer. I am a quite emotional person and sometimes my emotions change very quickly, but thanks to the CBD oil I feel more stable and that’s a very positive side effect. I’m not so tired of myself anymore. In the morning and in the evening, I take a few drops of the 30% oil, under the tongue and go to work or take it just before sleep. I really like the taste. 15% oil didn’t taste as good as the 30% one.
CBD Experience Story: Karmel Pea
CBD reduces my spasticity. It has also improved my motor skills a lot in a short period of time. My consumption of the oil isn’t probably the same as other people’s consumption because I have a little different problem that needs more attention. But other stroke patients may be able to take it as an example. I consume almost 500 mg of CBD in a day. I have distributed this to approximately 5 drops at a time, under the tongue each time.
We demand a more organic future.
The benefits of the cannabis plant have long been hidden. Is it due to the fear of drug abuse or of the impact in drug consumption – we’ll never know. Over the past decades however research has begun enlightening us on the actual effects cannabinoids have on the human body.
CBD – the gateway to a drug free life
CBD does not hit you in the head with a shovel and make you lose conscious. However, sticking to a very strict schedule of taking my oil drops, going to sleep, and waking up, I am finally 100% off industrial pharmaceuticals.
CBD takes the edge off of my hangovers
Everybody knows that in your 20s you can drop a bunch of social drinks down your throat. You can mix and match, and t...